About Us

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BLK RVA is a collaborative initiative between Richmond Region Tourism (RRT) and 20+ community leaders. Our mission is to attract visitors to the Richmond Region by illustrating the region as a multicultural hub that specializes in four pillars: Arts & Entertainment, Food & Drink, Community, and History, and inspiring locals to embrace what’s in their own backyard. We aim to serve as a beacon of equity and inclusivity by supporting a thriving ecosystem of diverse hospitality and tourism businesses, and ensuring that Black-owned businesses share in the economic impact of local tourism. 

Black culture in Richmond is rooted in history, yet rising in its future.



To understand America, we must understand the African-American experience.

From enslavement to presidency, the Black story is the story of the United States. Richmond, Virginia is one of the most important Gateways to that story.The center of the domestic slave trade in North America. The origin of 1 in 4 African-Americans. Home to the Harlem of the south. Birthplace to a new cool that flourishes today. Richmond is a gateway to Black culture. A gateway to our shared history and to our brilliant future. A gateway to Black success and perhaps to a reckoning of racial trauma. A gateway to understanding what it is to live on this continent, and in so doing, to understanding your place in it. In Richmond you will find a gateway to the heart of what it is to be American, and into the Black story that shaped this country.

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Lexicon: The words we use and why

Black vs. African-American: African-American to describe people (groups/individuals). Black to describe an experience, culture. Black w/ a capital B.

Slave vs. Enslaved: Enslaved to refer to the state of a person/people. Slave(ry) in reference to the institution.

Richmond vs. RVA: Richmond to be used throughout site w/ RVA to be used in reference to contemporary Richmond experiences.

Urban: Literal definition, not cultural adjective

Richmond Region: Includes the City Richmond, Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights, Hanover County, Henrico County, New Kent County and the town of Ashland. (RRT refers to entire region, including as RVA)


Richmond is ROOTED & RISING

Rooted Businesses: Richmond’s overflowing with Black businesses that have been rooted in our community for over a decade, securing their legacy and etching their place in our history books. Whether a restaurant, church, or historical landmark, when you think of Black Richmond, you think of their contribution.

Rising Businessess: Richmond’s been named top destination in the country to start a business. We’ve got new restaurants, coffee shops, boutiques, and so much more rising every day to bring fresh, authentic experiences to our region.



advisory Team

Anissa Turner Randolph, Chair
Allison Lawrence, Vice Chair
Ashley White
Morgan Lewis
Julian Charity
Danielle Pierce
Chauncey Jenkins

Tameka Jefferson, RRT Staff Liaison


African-American Roundtable


Janine Bell
Anedra Bourne
Berkita  Bradford
Penelope Carrington
Andrea DeKoter
Jennifer Hurst-Wender
Adele Johnson
Ken Johnson
Lester Johnson
Lauranett Lee
Kelley Libby
Bill Martin

Dawn Miller
Monica Mitchell
Lauran Peoples
Matt Reynal
Ajena Rogers
Benjamin Ross
Paula Saylor-Robinson
Tracy Schneider
John D Watt
Tamera Wilkins Harris
Samantha Willis
Angela Wright