BLK RVA Advisory committee

BLK RVA promotes African American tourism by positioning the Richmond Region as a multicultural hub centered around four key pillars: Arts and Entertainment, Food and Drink, Community, and History. The program aims to serve as a beacon of equity and inclusivity by supporting a thriving ecosystem of diverse hospitality and tourism businesses, ensuring that Black-owned businesses share in the economic impact of local tourism.

To ensure BLK RVA remains community-driven, Richmond Region Tourism (RRT) established a regionally represented volunteer BLK RVA Advisory Committee to help guide its future.

advisory committee Members

Anissa Turner Randolph, Chair
Allison Lawrence, Vice Chair
Kia Jordan
Steven Taylor
Ashley White
Danielle Pierce
Tameka Jefferson, RRT Staff Liaison

The committee consists of five to seven members who work or reside within RRT’s seven-jurisdiction service area, each serving up to two, two-year terms. The committee is led by a chair, who serves a two-year term.

join the committee

Ready to help guide the future of BLK RVA? Apply to join the volunteer BLK RVA Advisory Committee and collaborate with Richmond Region Tourism to advance BLK RVA’s growth through strategic planning and input on local campaign strategies that promote tourism in the region.



  • Must reside or work in the Richmond Region (City of Richmond, City of Colonial Heights, Henrico County, Chesterfield County, Hanover County, New Kent County, or Town of Ashland)

  • Attend quarterly committee meetings (in-person and virtual)

  • Participate in community presentations, media interviews, and local events to promote BLK RVA

Advisory Committee Responsibilities:

  • Attend one "I AM Tourism" (IAT) Ambassador training (Hosted monthly by Richmond Region Tourism)

  • Review and provide feedback on campaign strategies presented by Richmond Region Tourism (RRT)

    and its contractors

  • Advise on strategic goals for BLK RVA

  • Support the organization’s initiatives and participate in regional events

  • Uphold and participate in decisions made by the Advisory Committee

  • Review and approve applications for event sponsorships and grants supporting Black-owned

    businesses and organizations

  • Attend committee and sub-committee meetings regularly

  • Advocate for tourism and assist with outreach efforts

  • Review new member applications for the BLK RVA Advisory Committee

  • Volunteer at a minimum of two approved community events

Please answer the following questions to share why you wish to join the BLK RVA Advisory Committee:

For questions, please contact Tameka Jefferson, Community Relations and Diversity Program Manager, at