Trey Owens, Owner - Soul Taco, JewFro


Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is William Owens. I got the nickname Trey at birth because I'm the third of my name. I was born and raised right here in Richmond, Virginia, and I graduated from Richmond Public Schools, a fact I'm quite proud of.

I've always had a passion for cuisine whether it be through consumption or production. I had no idea restaurant ownership was possible for me, but by sheer nature of me taking a "fly by the seat of my pants" approach to life, an opportunity came along and I had to seize it. 

From sun up to sun down, what’s your ideal day in RVA?
I would wake up late, let’s say 11:00 am, grab a burger at Cobra Burger with the salt and vinegar fries then walk that off at the Metro Zoo, which is my new favorite place (the giraffes!!!) and watch the sunset on the river.

Then it's time to eat again, and depending on how much time I took, it'll either be Ronnie’s BBQ (that's a nice drive) or Pig and Brew (the brisket is bussin!!).

After, I’d go to whatever rooftop is least populated and take in the views of my favorite city!

What would you say is Richmond’s best-kept secret?
Richmond's best kept secret is exactly HOW it produces such a vibrant culinary scene. We all know about it and love it, but honestly it takes a lot to chase your dreams in a city with such a discerning palate — you've got to be close to crazy to even try. 

BLK RVA is all about supporting the thriving Black businesses and culture in the Richmond region and encouraging tourists to do the same. What’s one thing every visitor MUST do/see when they come to our region.
Every visitor must visit a local restaurant. preferably a black-owned one. Supporting the local scene through food, I think, is the best way to get a feel for the city!

Where are you from originally?What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re staying close to home in RVA?
I was born and raised right here in RVA. Another of my favorite things to do is to go to Kings Dominion. I am a roller coaster enthusiast and I love to have fun!

When we say the name BLK RVA, what does that mean to you?
That name makes me think of the vibrant black community that exists in RVA and how it often gets overlooked and needs to seek a separate identity to get the recognition it deserves.

Describe Richmond in 3 words. HOME SWEET HOME